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![]() Welcome to the USS Republic Play-By-Email (PBeM) simulation. A PBeM simulation is a role-playing game that is played via electronic mail. It is a cooperative story-telling effort where each participant creates and controls one of the characters in the story. This Playing Character (PC) then acts and lives in the game world environment. In this case, the setting is the year 2276. If you are familiar with role-playing games (RPGs), then you understand the processes involved in creating a character for a game. In a traditional role-playing game, there are sets of rules that govern what abilities and characteristics your character possesses. In a PBeM simulation, your character biography serves this purpose. It will explain key points about your character so that the other players can visualize and interact with you correctly when they write their parts of the story. In a way, this simplifies the process, as you do not need to read complicated role-playing manuals to figure out how to create your character. You simply have to put pen to paper, and let your imagination paint a picture of who you will be in the dark, sometimes corrupted, sometimes noble world of Star Trek. If you are interested in being part of the ultimate Star Trek simming experience, here are the few steps that you must follow: - Make sure you have explored this website to the fullest, reading the episodes' summaries and some of the biographies of crew members to get a good feel of what this simulation is about. This being done, take a look at the "open positions" on the manifest and pick a position that interests you. When creating a character for the a PBeM simulation, there are a few guidelines that must be followed. Below will outline the entire process for the creation of a character. You should send an e-mail message to the Game Master; the message should state three things: 1. It should describe a little about yourself. Your experience with sims (simulations) or role-playing games, your likes, dislikes, other interests, etc. This will let the concerned GM get to know you a little better in order to run a better sim for everyone. 2. It should describe the character you are thinking of playing. This can be very sketchy. It is just to give the GM an idea of what you are thinking of, so he can make suggestions, or point out any foreseen problems with the initial concept. 3. It should describe the area in which you would like to be posted. Perhaps you want to be in Engineering, or maybe Tactical, or perhaps you want to be a Doctor. Your initial message should state your area of interest. Sometimes, certain positions will not be available and the GM will make a recommendation. However, if there is a particular position on the roster you would like to have, this is the time to say it. After receipt of your initial message, the Game Master will reply to you with suggestions, or changes, to your initial character sketch. Perhaps he will add an idea you hadn't thought of, or explain why something in your concept won't fit into the sim. Once the character concept has been ironed out, you will get the go-ahead to write your full-blown biography. - As
soon as you have received the confirmation email from the listserver, or
when the GM (Game Master) tells you to go ahead, you can start writing
logs and sending them through the listserver, but most importantly, you
can start having fun!
BIOS Writing a fictitious character biography can be great fun. In the a PBeM simulation, you are not limited by hard-coded rules from a fixed role-playing system. You are left open to your imagination, and the confines of the Star Trek universe and those of this sim. Keep that in mind as you create a character. Think of what is real and possible in this very storyline and what is not. Please follow the example below when submitting your character's biography. Position:
of Birth:
and Hobbies:
Skills (optional):
and Decorations (optional):
Notes (optional):
After you have written your character's biography, e-mail it to the Game Master so that he can review it. After it has met with approval, you will be all set to begin. The Game Master will then subscribe you to the USS Republic Mailing List. Your bio will be put up on this web page, and you will be introduced to the game in an OOC message. After that, it's up to you to have fun and join in with the adventure. So we advise a pro-active approach and emailing your fellow simmers and inquiring about possible joint logs. Be sure to read their character's biography first, so that you will have an idea of who the character they play is and possibly offer an idea or two of a possible joint log between the two characters. Every member of this simulation will have their email address linked in one form or another on the right hand side of the Personnel section of this website. You should read through all of the previous mission logs on the website to familiarize yourself with the other characters that you will be interacting with. It is also a great way to get ideas on how to write your own logs and ideas on what to write, as well as bringing yourself up to date on the history of the characters currently simming and the status of the current storyline. The
USS Republic's website is the central database depository for all of the
sim information. It will be a valuable reference 'bible' in your writings.
With it you will have instant access to everyone's character biographies,
the current e-mail addresses of all of the players, and basic summaries
of the previous episodes and plotlines.